William Demas Transformation Coach

Fitness and wellness coaching customised for people wanting to look and feel incredible in their body, even from the warmth of their home.

william demas


William Demas Transformation Program


In my one-on-one fitness and wellness program, I will help you achieve the transformation you desire for your body and health. My approach includes enhancing your strength, boosting your energy levels, and elevating your wellbeing. 

We will work together on creating personalised strategies and actionable plans that are tailored to your unique needs. This will involve upgrading your mindset, as well as improving your training and nutrition consistency.

If you are based in the surrounding suburbs of Maroubra, Randwick, Alexandria, or Zetland, I can deliver sessions in locations that are convenient for you. Alternatively, I also offer online sessions for added flexibility.

My goal is to lead you on a fitness and wellness journey that you can be proud of.

transformation coach

Meet William.

From a younger age as a competitive sportsman to more recent times in the business world, I have endured and overcome adversity including injury, addictions and trauma.After realising the profound role that personal growth along with regular exercise and nutrition played in conquering my life’s misfortunes particularly those in my adult years, it has become my outright duty to help others transform their own health and wellness.

william demas

My Programs

William Demas Transformation Program


My flagship program. I will work with you one on one to help you transform your physique by creating and executing personalised strategies and action plans, guiding you on a journey to health and wellness that you will be immensely proud of.

young athletes doing pushups with kettlebells A4XFRJ9


In this program, together with up to two others, I will work with you to evolve your body by designing and implementing a customised blueprint as well as game plans – that will help you on your mission to becoming the healthiest you.

Awakening Program


While you may have different lifestyle preferences and duties to others, you want to become the best version of yourself. In this program, I will work with you and others in a group setting to awaken your body and kick start your fitness journey.

“...a healthier outside starts from the inside”


Client Reviews

Client Journeys


John's Journey

Like any transformation the one of your physique requires you to know your purpose for embarking on this journey. In this program, I will help you uncover yours and using a combination of personalised approaches, my program will guide you on a journey to health and wellness that you will be immensely proud of.


John's Journey

Like any transformation the one of your physique requires you to know your purpose for embarking on this journey. In this program, I will help you uncover yours and using a combination of personalised approaches, my program will guide you on a journey to health and wellness that you will be immensely proud of.